Prevent Firefox startup freeze when using multiple tabs
By default, when starting up Firefox it will reload all tabs inside, including pinned tabs. This is crazy sometimes if you have a lot of such tabs (I do :P mostly I use this as temporary
How-to's, Ideas, Thoughts - Mostly on web development.
By default, when starting up Firefox it will reload all tabs inside, including pinned tabs. This is crazy sometimes if you have a lot of such tabs (I do :P mostly I use this as temporary
Some nice advice and tutorials, well explained about using CURL found on
Something handy when importing CSV files: <?php $csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file($file)); array_walk($csv, function(&$a) use ($csv) { $a = array_combine($csv[0], $a); });
If you have defined in your model some âactionsâ / âmutatorsâ in your, beforeSave method there is a simple way to prevent that these actions to take place in certain cases when you need that. For